
Whale shark shipping collisions may increase as the ocean warms
GSMP researchers publish today in Nature Climate Change modelling results indicating whale sharks may be at increased risk from ship strikes as oceans warm

Shipping is on the rise: four steps to curb ‘ocean roadkill’
GSMP researchers publish today in Nature a roadmap for improving global protection of ocean giants from ship strikes

Shipping poses significant threat to the endangered whale shark
Today GSMP researchers publish ground-breaking global study showing shipping may underlie whale shark population declines

MegaMove project website launched
MegaMove project launched – many GSMP researchers are contributors of data and expertise

GSMP presentations at BLS7
There were many presentations by GSMP researchers at the Bio-Logging Symposium 7 virtual conference

GSMP research published in NATURE
Published today in NATURE are in-depth discussions about the global spatial risk assessment of sharks